Top 5 Creepiest Legend of Zelda Moments

5 Creepiest Legend Of Zelda

For a classic story of a hero saving the world from an evil force, The Legend of Zelda has some seriously strange moments. Sure it’s still a family-friendly romp, but there are times where the link gets into a few oddly dark situations, even for a kids game. It makes sense though with Winner dealing with giant man-eating spiders, fire-breathing lizards, laser shooting statues and whatever tingle is. You are bound to run into some bizarre and unsettling things.

So, let’s get started, we’re counting down on the 5 of the creepiest Zelda moments.

Number 5:

Raheem Skyward Sword, there’s another character in the Zelda universe that is almost as unsettling as the tingle. A demon lord whose way of dressing alone should give you a hint at what kind of guy he is, but it’s his touchy-feely way of talking to you that will definitely cause your skin to crawl. The only thing he seems to love more than his hands-on approach is himself, which might be a bit of a relief. I mean do you really want to be stuck in a room with him, and even after all that slimy conversation, you still have to fight him in a few, pretty tough battle, they’re hard enough, but try doing them without thinking of that tight body.

Number 4:

The Gibdo Mask (Majora’s Mask). The Gibdo Mask itself isn’t particularly frightening, especially when compared to other events and beings in the game. The way of getting it, on the other hand, is somewhat disconcerting. After using your hook shot to get to the top of a ridge, you find a small house next to a dry riverbed and it’s surrounded by mummies. If you try to enter, you are met by the voice of a scared. A little girl telling you to go away after convincing a hostile ghost nearby to restart the river. The mummies are sent away, but that’s the least of your problems. The little girl leaves her house relieved to see that they aren’t being kept at bay by the undead, allowing you to sneak in behind her once inside. You find that there is something much more terrifying waiting, a coffin that suddenly bursts open, revealing the girl’s semi mummified father, slowly his weight or tea. It’s so sudden that you barely have time to play the song of healing to the rhythm of his curse and hey you even get a nice little mask that makes the mummies not come after you. That’s a good replacement for your soul, Right?

Number 3:

Elegy of Emptiness Majora’s Mask. This particular song and its effects are somewhat noteworthy among the Zelda community, mostly due to its association with the bin Drowned videos that circulated a few years ago. There’s a good reason they used the power of this song is that after defeating the king of the icon in its castle, he teaches you a song that allows you to create copies for the purpose of holding down switches. It would have been so bad if it weren’t for the fact that links statue is just well creepy with its dead eyes, toothy smile and ends up being one of those things that stays with you in the back of your mind, just staring and smiling. Try to Sleep with that in your mind.

Number 2:

The transformation Twilight Princess. Though, it seems pretty harmless when you first meet her and despite being a giant Yeti, her husband lives in the snowpeak ruins and in most conversations they seem extremely nice. His particular brand of scariness comes from her affliction which runs into her while looking for a shard of the mirror of Twilight and she tries to help you find it, but instead, she leaves you with two ingredients for his soup. Yet ax was working on. Eventually, you find the key that gets you into his bedroom, where she is keeping the shard. She then looks into it and changes her eyes, glows red she grows fangs and soon she attempts to murder you which isn’t really something new for Link. You eventually defeat her and her and her husband get all lovey-dovey which might be even scarier.

Number 1:

Dead Hand Ocarina of Time. The dead hand is somewhat unique in its creepiness. No one is really sure what it is or where it came from or if it’s really part of Ganondorf’s plan, he exists underneath Kakariko village in the well and in the graveyard, meaning they’ve existed underneath the normal people of Hyrule. For who knows how long you aren’t ever sure when it’s coming even you just enter a giant room and find arms growing out of the ground like trees? When you go to observe one of the arms you’re suddenly grasped and from the center of the arena rises a giant lumbering creature with a long neck and a hanging jaw slowly making its way towards you. You barely escaped before you have time to attack slashing in its horrible eyeless gaze until it’s dead but hey, at least you get the lens of the truth. Out of it always got to look on the bright side.

Have you got a creepy Zelda moment that freaked you out as a kid? Let us know in the comments.

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Mr. Zelda

I love this game!

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